Our thriller will be a Crime thriller as the character which has tied the character to the chair. As we won't be doing the whole story line we won't need to show why the antagonist has tied the character up but it will be shown as a crime reason.
It will feature some sort of crime from the antagonist but it won't be shown in the opening.
A convention of a crime thriller is: Rivalry between opposites character is strong. Our characters will show an obvious contrast between each other as we can see one is innocent and the other is the 'baddie'.
Suggested locations and why:
As our opening is only two minutes it won't have many locations yet the two minutes will show two locations (
- lift. This will be where it begins, one of the characters will be inside the lift.

- car park. This could change depending on what location we can find when we film.
- Room for Tania and Sian will be a room in college which has an empty corner in the room for Tania to be tied up.

Description of narrative:
There isn't much dialogue until the end of the opening but music and credits will be the main concentration until someone talks.
- Yasmin will be on the phone saying she's in a rush saying she'll get there as soon as she can (business reasons)
- Starts in a lift, whilst Yasmin is inside looking at her watch conscious of time.
(credits appear around Yasmin while music is playing in the background)
- Yasmin walks out of the lift and checks for phone. She sees a miss call but text back to say she's in a rush and will ring back later. Then walks away.
- It goes to a new frame shot of tania tied up with rope and duct tape on her mouth.
- Then the camera will slowly move (pan shot) from tania on to the antagonist (Sian) while the camera is moving to Sian you will hear her talking on the phone leaving a voice message to Yasmin saying:
Sian (sarcastic/sneery tone) : 'It's a shame you can't come to the phone right now but your friend is in a bit of a pickle.'

We copied the idea of the film reservoir dogs as in one of the scenes has a jokey feel to it. They use the music 'stuck in the middle with you' Which changes the atmosphere of what the antagonist is doing.
When sian says her line on the phone voicemail we want it to have a jokey yet serious tone which is similar to what happens in this film.

The joker is an antagonist which jokes about all the trouble he causes, we want out antagonist to give a similar sense (except for the joker's costume) but our character to not be too humourous or it will ruin the mood of the thriller.
- The ending will be a black ground with the credits in the middle.
Who's acting - Description of the characters:
Yasmin Bean:
Business woman, career focuses, organised, friends with Tania (protagonist)
Costume: Work outfit.

Sian Bell:
Antagonist, twisted, selfish (for tieing up Tania)
Costume: All black. Colour represents her trying to be low key as she is doing something wrong (tieing up Tania)

Tania Miah:
Innocent, friendly, doesn't deserve to be punished.
Costume: casual, daily clothing.

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