Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Anaylising sound in Se7en.

To begin within in Se7en the sound is diegetic with the background noises of the radio, traffic noises from the surrounding area, water running in the protagonist's flat. Further on dialogue is introduced between two characters explaining the situation so that the audience gets more of an understanding of the circumstances. Again more diegetic sounds are introduced of rain, cars, everyday street noises, after this police sirens are clearly heard which suggests what the film is going to entail. When the scene goes back into the bedroom the sound of the outside is suppressed until completely dimmed out. The sound of a metronome is now becoming the main sound being used which builds up the suspense and tension in the scene and leaves the audience in anticipation. Finally when the opening credits come on a non-diegetic soundtrack of electronic industrial sounds and the beat of the drums, which creates an eery atmosphere for the beginning of the film.

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