Wednesday 3 February 2010

Six feet under- credits analysis

We looked at the main sequence to this TV programme which has a unique way of presenting the credits to the opening scene. We liked how they were each individual for each credit and shown in a special way, this immediately entices the audience to watch more. They used special animation to make the words disintegrate which made it look very professional and interesting. They also had the credits popping up in different unexpected places. This has influenced our plans for our own credits in our opening scene to the thriller. We are also hoping to add animation and had previously planned that our credits are going to appear randomly to add more suspense and effect. We have also chosen the font we wish to use which is the same font which we used to create our ident, the follow through of this font will look effective.
Also they made the credits appear on the props which we also thought made them stand out more and drew attention to the props.

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